Women in Sales

5 Reasons Women Rock the Sales Profession


  1. Women are natural listeners. Why is this important? You must listen to your clients to understand their needs, wants and buying signals.
  2. Women are very good at developing relationships. The key to long term sales success is repeat business. The only way to win long term clients is to foster, grow and maintain business relationships.
  3. Women are exceptional at follow through. Maybe it is from the constant follow through with chores, homework and discipline we provide to our children or maybe it is because many women are highly organized, but whatever the case, woman are just plain good at following through. It is a must in sales to follow through on questions, solutions and customer service related issues with your clients. When you are prospecting you must also be exceptional at follow through as it takes at least 7 “touches” (email, phone, meetings, newsletters, etc) before a prospect start to feel familiar with you and connects you to your product. That is a lot of follow through, but master that and you are on your way to sales success!
  4. Women are efficient. We can get a lot done in an hour. This is important because in sales there is much to do: follow through, newsletters, product training, client retention efforts, client meetings, prospecting, paperwork and more. Women are great at maximizing their time for maximum results.
  5. Women are intuitive. Sales is an art form. From effective questioning through negotiating to closing one must master verbal and non-verbal buying ques. Women are great at knowing when to change the subject and when to be quiet and wait for that yes. Women are fantastic at picking up on hints that a prospect is not on the same page as you and gears must be quickly shifted or picking up that they are ready to move forward and be closed. Women are great at listening to their intuition and this skill comes in very handy in a successful sales career.


Read Why Working Moms Make Great Sales Professionals


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