Tag Archives: #success

Sales Challenge of the Week: Have fun!

Sales is fun. If you don’t already think your sales job is fun then work on finding the fun in your career this week. If you agree that sales is fun, than look for ways to have even more fun this week.

Sales is Fun

Sales is Fun

Here are some ideas to get you started on having fun or finding even more fun in your daily sales life:


  • Write out what you like about your job.  Keep this in mind as you go about your week.
  • Relax and take it easy.   When you are calm you will attract more prospects and earn more business.
  • Be professional, but let your personality shine through.  You will attract like-minded clients and build long term relationships.  That is always fun!
  • When you are cold calling wear your big, beautiful smile.  Smiles are contagious and what is more fun than turning a cold call into a hot lead!
  • Challenge yourself and set your daily goals (see last week’s challenges).  Meeting your goals is mega fun.
  • Take the time to celebrate your sales.  Whether it’s a little sales dance or a new suite acknowledge your success with a little fun.
  • Have friendly office competitions.  If your sales manager does not set up competitions then set up monthly competitions with your co-workers.  Push each other to achieve your goals.

There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.

There is no elevator to success.  You have to take the stairs.

There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.

I found this quote on Pinterest today and I just love it. Behind every successful salesperson is a lot of hard work. To achieve success one must consistently work towards his/her goals. Just put one foot in front of the other and keep moving.

5 Things Every Successful Person Has In Common

5 Things Every Successful Person Has In Common

5 Things Every Successful Person Has In Common