Tag Archives: #sales tips

The Decision Maker

Reasons to call on the decision maker and cut out the middleman:

  • Shorter sales cycle
  • Less likely to be shopped if you can show value and a true benefit
  • You will not just be a piece of paper that is put in front of the decision maker
  • You are not depending upon someone else to sell you
  • Much higher chance to close on the spot

Problem: You are in the middle of a sales cycle and you are not with the decision maker:

How many times have you been told by a non-decision maker that they have to talk with the decision maker and they will get back to you with their decision? Probably too many to count! You most likely find that you are calling on your non-decision maker week after week only to hear some version of “I still have to sit down with the decision maker.”

Solution: So, now what are you going to do? Are you doing to go over the non-decision maker’s head and try to talk with the decision maker? More than likely you will annoy the non-decision maker and they will not recommend you. Your best chance here is to ask the non-decision maker if all three of you can sit down together so that you will be available to answer any questions that arise that you and the non-decision maker did not cover. Try this “I would hate for you to feel any frustration at having to reach me with multiple questions that Mr. Decision Maker has. It would save so much more time if we all sat down together so that I was available to answer any questions on the spot that may arise.”

However, to avoid the potential obstacle above try getting with the decision maker from the start with these four tips:

  1. Find out who the decision maker actually is.  This would be the person that can sign your paperwork and the check.  Start on the company’s website.  Find out who the president, owner or CEO is.  You can always work your way down so always start at the top.  If this doesn’t work you can utilize your public library as many have a database of businesses with the associated owner.  If this research doesn’t pan out just try calling up the company and asking the receptionist who owns the company.  Make sure you verify correct spelling.
  2. Call on the decision maker.  Are you intimated to call on the head honcho of a company?  Why?  You have a unique product and service to offer, don’t you?  Wouldn’t she/he benefit from it?  Then it is your duty to try to help.  Remember you are an expert and you will be valuable to his/her company.  Okay, so you are now excited to call on the business owner, but now you can’t get through to him/her.  Try a variety of contact methods (mail, email, phone, and stop by).  Next look to see if you have any LinkedIn connections whom you can ask for an introduction.  You can also ask the receptionist for help:  “When is the best time to reach Mr. Decision Maker?” or be very upfront about what you’re trying to do and ask for gate keeper’s assistance.  This will work on occasion.
  3. Set up an appointment with the decision maker.  You finally make contact with this person.  Yah!  What now?  State that you want to set up an appointment to align yourself with his goals of saving time or creating office efficiencies (do your research on their website to understand the company’s goals, mission statement and strategies).  If your decision maker says he doesn’t handle this still state “I would still like to meet with you Mr. Decision Maker to get a pulse on your business and better understand the directions and goals of your company.”  (Hint include a unique sideline about what you learned from your research on his company). Ask him if he will bring in the person that directly handles that responsibility.  That way you have the endorsement from the top of the company.
  4. Close the decision maker.  Now that you have met with the decision maker and asked all the right questions, proposed your product/service and showed the benefits of working with your company you have all the proper tools in place to simply ask for the sale and move forward.  **Tip** When you are with the person that can sign your order try at least three times to close the sale.  Get in this mentality:  you can help this person so they are going to have to explain to you why not.  Closing tips here.

Cold Calling Tip

When cold calling act like a detective.  Observe, ask probing questions and listen.  It is up to you as the sales person to discover ways you can benefit your prospect.

Cold Calling Tip

Cold Calling Tip

Persistence Pays Off

My favorite quote of all time:  “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.  Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.  Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.  Education will not; the world is full of educated failures.  PERSISTENCE AND DETERMINATION alone are omnipotent.”  -Calvin Coolidge

So keep moving towards your dreams.

Keep moving towards your dreams

Keep moving towards your dreams