Tag Archives: #sales success

10 Sales Commandments

1.  Be honest:  Be honest 100 % of the time.  Besides being the right thing to do; this will get you repeat and referral business over and over.

2.  Be prepared: This rule will increase your professionalism.

10 sales commandments

10 sales commandments

3.  Believe in your service/product 100 %:  If you don’t your client won’t.

4.  Believe in your company 100 %: If you want your client to invest in your product you have to be invested fully in the company you work for.

5.  Be enthusiastic: Your enthusiasm will be contagious and aid in your prospects wanting to work with you.

6.  Be a good listener: this is how you will uncover your prospects needs, problems and wants.

7.  Be persistent.

8.  Master follow through.

9.  Be knowledgeable about your prospect.

10. Be a master of your product/service.

Calendar for Success

You will set yourself and your day up for success when you calendar for success. What you put out there is what you will receive. Believe you are successful and you will be successful. Tips in this blog.

Working Mom Inspiration

Calendar for Success

Do you keep a calendar? Are you writing down your tasks and meetings for the day? Why not also schedule in a feeling associated with that task plus the positive result you desire from that task?

In short: schedule for success. You can print your own success calendar for daily usage at the bottom of this page.

Instead of this: 9 am office presentation.

Try this: 9 am engaging & dynamic office presentation that inspires my team.

Five reasons to add the feeling and desired result to your calendar:

  • Sets the tone for your day
  • Prepares you for success
  • Gains clarity on what you desire out of each event
  • Increases self-reflection and awareness
  • Challenges you to find the positives in situations that may otherwise be mundane or routine

A few tips on starting your calendar for success:

  • The night before review your calendar…

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The Most Simple Sales Advice

The Most Simple Sales Advice

The most simple and effective sales tip: DO WHAT YOU SAY