Category Archives: Quick Sales Tips


“I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” -Thomas Jefferson

Do you want to be “lucky” and get a lot of new business?  I have a simple formula for you:  do your activity consistently each day, sharpen your sales skills weekly and work hard monthly….then watch your “luck” of closing new business kick in.

If you are a sales pro you already understand how much activity you have to do in order to close a certain amount of new business.  You know that the years of experience, larger clients and sharpening your skills will tip the scales in your favor even more.

If you are new find a mentor that is successful.  Learn from him/her what it took for him/her to succeed and mirror his/her activity.  Sales is hard work; but rewarding work.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  Here is to working so hard that you will always feel “lucky” in your sales career!

luck quote

luck quote

Never Stop Trying

Never Stop Trying

Never Stop Trying

Why You Should Never Knock the Competition

Even if your prospect is complaining about his current vendor don’t join in.  Just listen with a compassionate ear and learn what not to do.  To join in the bashing would be knocking his past decision and judgment.

Why you should never knock the competition

Why you should never knock the competition