Cold Calling

Cold Calling is Not Dead and more about cold calling coming soon so check back!

I read a lot of articles that talk about cold calling being an outdated method of selling and many other articles that promise success without ever cold calling. I personally love cold calling and while it may be an “old fashioned” way to obtain business it is by far one of the best ways to dig up new leads.

What I love about cold calling? There is no faster, more efficient way to build your prospect funnel.

7 other awesome things about cold calling

  • You are completely in control of digging up new leads and therefore completely in control of your sales success
  • Extremely empowering to be able to dig up a lead and have it quickly result in a sale
  • Having this knowledge that you hold the power to dig up your own leads provides confidence and security in your profession
  • Instead of being tied to a desk you get to be active and out and about
  • You can have fun “hunting” for new clients
  • Enjoy the challenge of turning a completely cold lead into a hot prospect
  • The quickest way to go from a “slow, I have no leads week” to a week full of hot prospects

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